01 JunOne Day Old!!!!!

One- day- old.  Boy what a change from yesturday.  24 hours ago I was nice and cozy inside my my mommy’s belly where it was dark and all the sounds were muted……Well things have changed.  I have all these things hooked up to me with lights and beeping sounds.

I am doing well ( thanks G-d).  But I am not sure my mommy and daddy have processed all this yet.

Mommy is still in a lot of pain from the surgery and daddy is running back and forth between being there for me and being there for mommy.  In fact, i do not think daddy has slept in 48 hours.  At least mommy has some good drugs to make her feel better.

I am in the NICU Level 3 unit and am being monitored 24-7.  I have a lots of wires and thins connected to me…but I don;t really seem to be bothered by them all that much.  I have three leads that are attached to my chest and stomach.  The first one monitors my temperature.  The second checks my heart rate.  The third check my breathing.  If any of these thing go up or down the slightest all kinds of bells and sirens go off.

I think my daddy almost had a heart attack the first time something went off. But you get used to it after a while.  I also have a tube in my mouth to feed me.  I have a central line in my belly button ( just in case the doctors need to give me life saving meds right away.  The thing in my nose is called a C-Pap.  It helps to give my lungs a little extra bit of help.  But I am breathing regular air and am not intubated.  Lastly I have a special blue light that comes from a Biliblanket.  This Biliblanket is giving me phototheropy to help with my jaundice ( a common thing with new premature babies and many newborn babies.)

More important then all this medical stuff is that fact that I finally got to see and touch my mommy today and she got to see me.  She sure is pretty.  I hope I got her looks and not daddy’s!!!

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