31 OctTrick or Treat… Smell my stinky feet!

Today was my first Halloween.  I have heard lots of things about it.  My Aunt Melissa says it is not a real holiday and that I shouldn’t celebrate it.  She thinks it is idol worship.  On the other hand my cousins Hannah and Sammy think it is awesome.  They told me all about the cool costumes.

I decided that it sounded pretty cool and that it was not idold worship.  So I sent my mommy out to the story in search of a costume.  I figured mommy would do good since Cousin Sammy told me how awesome the costume was that Mommy bought him last year.  After many calls back and forth with Daddy, mommy came home with a cute puppy costume.  The only problem is was that it could have kept me warm in the Antarctic!  Mommy hoped that it would be cool out by the time Halloween came around.  But just in case she got be a cute onsie that said “gouls just wanna have fun.”  I have no idea what that means..but mommy says it is funny because of a song by some singer named Cindy Lauper.  Must be some oldies music! Aunt Addie rounded out the outfit with some purle pumpkin socks and a hat for me.  Thanks Aunt Addie.

So it’s Halloween night and sure enough….HOT HOT HOT.  But be damned if my mommy was not going to still dress me up in the puppy outfit just for picture.  And when I say pictures… I mean a full out photo production.  I was half expecting to see daddy’s photo assistants come in to help!  But we did get some cute pictures.  Well, of course we did….. Yogi and I looked so cute.

As the sun was setting Nanna came over to help us go door to door.  She was dressed as the Octomom.  That Nanna….. She is soo silly.  And Mommy was dressed as……You guessed it.  A New York Yankee Player ( after all game three of the world series was tonight).  I think mommy might have been dressed up like that anyways.  Mommy even dresses up Yogi in a Yankee outfit.

So off we went to meet the neighbors.  They would open the door and look at us and say… OH MY.. Soo Cute.  I thought they were talking about me until they all went over and started to pet Yogi.  I  will have to make a mental note about not dressing Yogi up for next year so she does not steal my thunder.

I made it to about 6 houses before I decided I would take a nap.  At that point people started to really give mommy funny looks when she rang there doorbells asking for candy.  I think they suspected it was not for me!!!!

Oh, and all that candy…. Well, I am too little to eat any. Yogi will get sick if she has any. Daddy is to fat as it is.  So the wonderful people at mommy’s work get to indudgel on all the goodies.

At least the candy worked as a good photo prop.  Looking forward to next year.

Happy Halloween.

Oh wait.  Being Jewish, I get to do this again even sooner for Purim.  Nice!!!

























25 OctParty Time At Uncle Seth’s Birthday Party

Today I went to a birthday party for the first time.  It was so nice that I got to see and meet so many family members and family friends.  The event was cool….even though it was HOT

outside.  I have kind of gotten very used to the wonderful thing called air conditioning!

Aunt Mippy

Aunt Mippy

Nanna got me this pretty Dress

Nanna got me this pretty Dress

Alex, Massielle, me, and Mommy

Alex, Massielle, me, and Mommy

Aunt Mippy can not stop kissing me!!!

Aunt Mippy can not stop kissing me!!!

I'm pooped.  Time to find the car.

I'm pooped. Time to find the car.

24 OctShabbot dinner with special guest: Aunt Melissa

Today I got a special visit from my Aunt Melissa.  She flew all the way down from the Washington DC area to finally meet me.  She came just in time for Shabbot dinner with the family.  Aunt Addie and Uncle Seth came with cousins Hannah and Sammy.  And lets not forget Nanna.  Mommy cooked the most delicious kosher meal for Aunt Melissa.  She cooked from scratch chicken and Salmon Croquets.  The Salmon Croquets were a special dish that came from mommy’s grandma Lillian ( who my hebrew name comes from).  Grandma Penny used to cook these for my mommy all the time.  And Nanna made a special lentil soup for us all.  I even got to do my first Havdalah with Aunt Melissa and mommy.

It was really great hanging out with everyone.

Dalya meets Aunt Melissa and gets her new panda bear
Dalya meets Aunt Melissa and gets her new panda bear
So Cute
So Cute

Yeah, I am very cozy
Yeah, I am very cozy.
You would fly down to Florida too for this face!
Yea, you would fly down to Florida too for this face too!
Uncle Seth is wondering why no one is cooing over him.
Uncle Seth is wondering why no one is cooing over him.
Shhh. Don't tell your cousins that I think you are the cutest.
Shhh. Don’t tell your cousins that I think you are the cutest.
My big cousin Hannah.  She reads very well.
My big cousin Hannah. She reads very well.
Hey Aunt Addie.  Yogi is my pillow!
Hey Aunt Addie. Yogi is my pillow!
Hmmm. Who is more fun? Aunt Addie or Aunt Melissa
Hmmm. Who is more fun? Aunt Addie or Aunt Melissa.
Its walking time.

Its walking time.

Havdalah Time.  Cool Candle.

Havdalah Time. Cool Candle.

Can't wait to do this again Aunt Melissa. Come back soon.

Can't wait to do this again Aunt Melissa. Come back soon.

16 OctSing Me A Song You’re The Piano Woman

A little video for your entertainment.

Turn up the volume




04 OctEasy Assembly My Tushy

Easy assembly is what the box said.  So mommy, being an Ivy League Educated women, thought that she could tackle Dalya’s new ExerSaucer no problem. As grandma and grandpa watch a Sunday football game, mommy un-boxed the toy and started at it.  The first clue that this would not be soo easy what the 10 page assembly book!  10 pages!!  Do you think the people that make these things realize that a sleep deprived mother or father will have to put this together while still entertaining the child that the toy is for?  Lucky for us Grandma and Grandpa were there to take over the duty of watching me.  And once mommy gets her mind set on something there is no holding her back.  Something that should have taken a few minutes turned into a whole afternoon.  And where was daddy you ask….. Well, mommy was too proud to ask daddy for help ( other then a extra set of hands for a few parts).  Mommy said that I better like this because I will spending the next 2 years in it after all the work she did.  After mommy finally finished and put me in I did not have the heart to tell her that I was still too small for it.  But it sure does look cool!!!

10 minutes before the football game

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One minute to kick off

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First commercial break of the game

e-build toy NW8L7448 JSP

Already into the second quarter

e-build toy NW8L7458 JSPe-Build toy NW8L7465 JSPe-build toy NW8L7486 JSP

Half time show

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3rd quarter

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3rd and goal with 1.05 minutes left in the 3rd quarter

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4th quarter..Dalya and grandma and getting excited!

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Seconds left on the clock in the 4th.  Team Mommy is yards away from winning the game.


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The picture perfect jubilation shot for tomorrow paper

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03 OctGrandma and Grandpa come to visit

I got to spend the last week with my grandma and grandpa.  They came all the way from New York to spend time with me.  It was soo nice seeing them.  They could not believe how much I have grown.  They both played with me and made me laugh.  I can’t wait till they come back again.  I miss and love you both!

e-Penny arthur Dalya NW8L7510 JSPe-dalya Arthur NY1I3234 JSPe-penny and Dalya NW8L7558 JSPe-Dalya penny NW8L7548 JSPe-arthur dalya NY1I3183 jsp