28 NovDalya’s First Bites

After 6 long months of waiting I finally got to get some real food in me.  That is of course if you can call some mushy rice cereal real food.

Here I thought I was maybe getting some of that left over turkey and mashed pototaes.  But no, it was only rice cereal for me.  From what Mommy and Daddy tell me, I will have to start out with this for 4 days and then go onto other veggies one at a time.  We need to make sure that I am not allergic to anything before we get to dive into the good stuff.

So at first I must tell you that I was not too into the whole eating solids thing.  This new mushy feeling on my mouth was strange.  I was not sure if I was supposed to swallow it or just play with it with my tongue.  I decided to mostly push it out of my mouth with my tongue.  I think mommy and daddy enjoyed the process more then me!



















27 NovDalya’s first Turkey Day

Today is a day to reflect on all the things that we are thankful for.  And Amy and I are so thankful and blessed that Dalya is happy and healthy.  We are also very thankful for the wonderful family and friends that we have.

This thanksgiving was very low key and laid back.  Nanna took cousin sammy to visit Aunt Melissa, Uncle Joel, and Cousins Eli, Molly, and Maya in Maryland.  Grandma and Grandpa headed back to NY a fews days before today to be with Uncle Brian.  So that left us with a Aunt Addie, Uncle Seth, and Cousin Hannah eating Tofuorky and real turkey with all the fixings.  We even had their dog Mister over.  Mommy made a wonderful turkey.  I was enjoying the great smells all morning as mommy cooked.  Mommy also made mashed potatoes and stuffing from scratch and her special jalapeño pepper cranberry sause that uncle Seth loves.

I still did not get to taste any of the goodies yet.  But I am hoping to start eating some solids any day now.  So keep an eye out for those sure to be messy pictures.

Next year I hope that we can have a huge thanksgiving dinner with all the family together!!  You hear that Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Joel, and Uncle Brian?



Hannah is thinking, " Uncle Joshy.  No more pictures.. I am hungry!"

Hannah is thinking, " Uncle Joshy. No more pictures.. I am hungry!"

This is Tofurkey for those of you that do not know.

This is Tofurkey for those of you that do not know.



The shirt says it all!

The shirt says it all!

06 NovWorking Mom

I am very lucky that mommy is able to work from home a few days a week.  Today I got to help mommy with some important editing for the newspaper.  In no time I will have my own computer and do things that mommy and daddy only can dream of!  I am sure that daddy can not wait for me to learn Photoshop.







05 NovBorn into a dynasty

As If I had a choice.  I was born in Joe DiMaggio Hospital. My dog’s name is Yogi. My mommy wore a t-shirt identifying me as a future fan through her pregnancy. But now after watching all of those games (I even got to stay up past my bedtime for a few), I see what the fuss is all about. Mommy is right: These guys are awesome! And that Derek Jeter is almost as cute as I am!

Some of those games were nail-biters, but it was fun watching all of those Philly fans crying like little babies. I am totally hooked on the Yankees. All you fans of other teams can go suck a bottle!

27 World Series rings. YEAH BABY!!!!!

Yankees AMY DALYA 1241279918023e-Dalya amy NW8L9379 JSPE-DALYA NW8L9915 JSPE-DALYA AMY NW8L9910 JSP

04 NovLook what I can do!

Today Mommy and Daddy took me the Developmental Clinic at Joe DiMaggio Hospital.  This is where premature babies go so they can make sure we are growing on the right track.  Over the next three years I will come to the clinic and be assessed and worked with if any problems are present. The idea is to catch a delays and work on them before they become a big problem. At this first session I was assessed by a team.  We found out that for premature babies born as early as me I am in the 95th percentile in height and weight!!!

One of the things they we looking for was to see if I roll over from my stomach to my belly.  I had not done this before and with all the people watching I was a little shy. But as soon as I got home, my daddy put me on my play mat and I rolled right over!!!!  Go figure.

Check out  the video mommy took of me doing my new trick.  Enjoy.