28 NovDalya’s First Bites

After 6 long months of waiting I finally got to get some real food in me.  That is of course if you can call some mushy rice cereal real food.

Here I thought I was maybe getting some of that left over turkey and mashed pototaes.  But no, it was only rice cereal for me.  From what Mommy and Daddy tell me, I will have to start out with this for 4 days and then go onto other veggies one at a time.  We need to make sure that I am not allergic to anything before we get to dive into the good stuff.

So at first I must tell you that I was not too into the whole eating solids thing.  This new mushy feeling on my mouth was strange.  I was not sure if I was supposed to swallow it or just play with it with my tongue.  I decided to mostly push it out of my mouth with my tongue.  I think mommy and daddy enjoyed the process more then me!

















