28 DecDalya Joy Meets a Boy

Today we got a visit from one of mommy’s best friends.  Kara B.  And Kara brought her little boy Jonah and husband Avi.   Mommy and Kara go back all the way to days at Penn.  Shortly after mommy heard from Kara that she was having a baby mommy found out that I was on my way too.  Jonah and I were supposed to be about 2 months apart.  Well, we ended up being 2 weeks!!!!  Having mommy’s friend going through the whole baby thing with her is something really special.   If only we lived closer it would be even more fun.

Now I have heard lots about this Jonah from Mommy.  So today was the day I finally got to meet him.  And Jonah did not disappoint.  He was all boy.  First thing I did when we met was plop a huge wet kiss on his forehead.  He was shocked.  but I think he took it as a sign to get all touchy feely with me.  Man, this kid could not keep his hand off me.  We played together and I did a great job at sharing my toys with him.

It was great meeting you Jonah.  I hope we will be lifelong pals and keep in touch as we get older.  I am sure that some of these embarrassing picture below will end up being shown at our Bar and Bat Mitzvahs!!!!


Get over here chica


Hey Mom. Â Stop paying attention to him! You are not his mommy.


"Dalya. Â Shut that trap of yours!"


Oh come on. Â Is it that bad dalya?


" Ok, there there. Â Jonah will make it all better"


"Yes Dalya. Â I know you want to hold my hand."


" If I take Dalya's mommy's glasses then she cannot see what I do to Dalya."


"Yeah. Â I know it. Â I am a smooth operator."


" Lets ditch the parents and have some fun."


"My Man!"


"Damn she is clingy!"



" I think Dalya made peepee."










"Don't leave...."




"That fan is sure interesting."




" Who needs pacifiers when we have fingers."


" Take that Jonah. Â That is for sticking your fingers in my mouth."

 Dalya learn early on that she can walk all over men.

Dalya learns early on that she can walk all over men.

26 DecWinter break means Lots of Family!!

Along with the nice cold weather from the north comes great family and friends this time of year. I got to go to my first holiday party at cousin Nini’s house.  I got meet lots of cousins from Nanna’s side of the family.  It was especially great meeting cousin Tonia G.  She is one of my oldest relatives.  The whole family went out for Chinese.  Cousins Pam and Steve drove the whole gang down from New York.    I met my cousins the triplets, Sean, Barbara, and Sara.  They were preemies too.  And look how big and strong they are now!   Can’t wait to see you guys again real soon.





















26 DecDebbie does Dalya

Today I got a special visitor…. daddy’s wonderful old friend Debbie V. Debbie just moved back to Miami and finally came to visit me.  She was very excited to meet me, as she was following all the updates on my blog.  Debbie and daddy go back to his days in YJ.  As soon as I am old enough I too will become a YJ member. Debbie gave me lots of attention and did a great job at making me laugh.  Thanks for visiting.  I hope to hang out with again you real soon.









The shirt says it all

The shirt says it all

Dalya works on her over the shoulder pose!

Dalya works on her over the shoulder pose!

25 DecShe’s got the giggles!

This is a typical night time activity for Dalya before she goes to bed.

18 DecDreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel……

This week was my first Chanukah.  And I must say that this is definitely my kind of holiday.  After all, we celebrate for 8 days and I get lots of gifts!!!

We started off the first night with a special gift all the way from the North….No, not the North Pole silly.  From Grandma Penny and Grandpa Arthur.  It was a wonderful toy that made lots of cool sounds. There was also fun stuff for me to touch and even chew on.  It was my very first Chanukah gift ever.  But before I was able to open the gift, Mommy and I read the nice card from my grandparents.  THANKS GRANDMA AND GRANDPA.

The second night kicked off with a party at Aunt Addie and Uncle Seth’s house.  We had the the whole gang there. From cousins Hannah and Sammy to family friend Franco.  Even Great Aunt Helene came!  And of course ( since it was at Uncle Seth’s house) Nanna had to do all the cooking and she cooked a great meal with all the goodies.  Latkahs, pasta, meatballs,  and meatless meatballs.

We had lots of fun seeing everyone and opening gifts.

Talking of gifts… Nanna got me my first Elmo toy.  It is awesome.  Although it scared the pants of daddy when it was turned on.  It talks, sinks, and even tells jokes!  THANKS NANNA.

But the best part of Chanukah had to be lighting the candles every night with Mommy, Daddy, and Yogi.  The warm glow of the light was soo peaceful and beautiful.























