31 MarMatzah, Matzoh, and Matsah

After a long few days daddy and mommy finished getting the house clear of any chametz ( Leavened products derived from wheat, barley, oat, spelt or rye).  They even had to check my diaper.  and low and behold there were a few errant crumbs!

And as my first Passover was set to arrive, Nanna came over and I helped her cook her famous Russian Cabbage Soup.  Now this is no ordinary soup.  This soup requires at least 24 hours of cooking and about $60 worth of Boiled Flanken.  As for the rest of the recipe… well, it is top secret and you will have to be born into the family or marry into it to get it!

Mommy, Daddy, and I made the first night.  We had Uncle Seth, Aunt Addie, Cousin Sammy, Cousin Hannah, Cousin Jason, and even Mister ( Yogi’s doggy cousin).

I sat through my first Haggadah reading.  I also ate my first Matzah.  It was pretty good. But not as good as the great organic Kosher chicken mommy made me.  I sat eating little pieces of chicken while the whole story of Passover was recited. I was a real big girl sitting at the table with everyone else.  Everything was great except that Hannah and sammy had a unfair advantage at finding the Afikoman due to the fact that they can you know….walk.

The next night we went to Aunt Addie and Uncle Seth’s house and got to see Daddy’s Aunt Helene there.  We ate outside at their new house.   Now if only mommy would let me have some of that chocolate covered Matzah.  Maybe next year ( in Jerusalem).



Hmm.. Taste like the Matzah






Mommy lights the candles with the girls.







Lets us in we smell Chicken!!!




02 MarWhat’s Up Doc….. 9 month Edition

Today was my 9 month check up with the doctor.  I did well.  Not only did I weigh in at a whopping 17lbs 5oz and a height of 28 1/4 inches.  I did my whole check up like a big girl sitting up!!!!   now my height puts me in the 60th percentile for a FULL TERM BABY!  That is probably off the charts for a preemie. And to boot.  I got my last Hep B shot and like cried for 2 seconds.











01 MarTofu You. Tofu Me

Today I started proteins.  No Filet mignon just yet.  Just plan old extra soft Silkin Tofu.  It was good but very messy.  Good thing I do not have to clean up the mess!  I am still getting this eating thing down.  I have a hard time opening up real wide.  I much prefer playing with the food in my hands then getting it into my mouth.









