Ok, I know what you are thinking.  This girl needed to birthday celebrations???  And the answer is YES!   Today was my actual birthday.  And just the immediate family got together to have a little cake and hand out.  And one of the best parts….IT WAS IN THE AIR-CONDITIONING.









30 MayGift Time

I was showered with so many wonderful gifts for my party.  But I thought it was tacky and mean to make everyone sit through the process of opening my gifts at the party. Instead I invited sammy, Hannah, Malkie, and Maya to help me unwrap the gifts at home. Uncle Seth and Addie had a good laugh watching daddy get annoyed because the lighting was not right or the background not clear for him to take the pictures.  It was a good time had by everyone.


























Today was my First Birthday party.  Mommy and Daddy got me an awesome pavilion to have my party in.  They invited tons of family and friends. Lots of people came out on a HOT Sunday afternoon to celebrate with me.

Mommy got me all decked out in a cute white dress with sunflowers to meet everyone.  Daddy and Mommy packed two cars with lots of cold drinks and decorations and headed to the park.  But on the way to the park I zonked out and decided to take a LONG LONG nap.  With Nanna watching me sleep in my stroller and sweating in my pretty dress, Daddy ran to get my cake and the last minute things for the party.  Of course, Nanna was at the park way before all of us setting up the pavilion full of balloons she got for the party!!! Thanks Nana

Soon, the guests began to arrive.  So many people whom I have met before and so many new people whom I never met before showed up…….Not that I was awake to meet anyone, though.  If fact, as an hour and a half into the party  came and went the crowd started to get restless waiting for me to wake from my long cat nap.  After all, they came to see me!!

I was lucky to have so much family together.  My Grandma and Grandpa flew all the way down here from NY to celebrate.  Aunt Melissa  also flew down here with my cousins Maya and Malkie.  It was the first time I met them.  And let me say…THEY ARE AWESOME and I had a ton of fun with them during their visit.  I was lucky enough to have not one, but two great aunts in attendance with Aunt Jackie and Aunt Helene there.  Aunt Jackie brought my cousins Erica and Gary with her. I met for the first time cousin Patricia and her Daughter Danielle.  Fun cousin Jason, Danielle’s brother, was there too.  Also for the first time,  Cousin Suzy with her new grandchildren and her son Ross and his wife.  And let’s not forget about the usual gang…..Cousins Sammy and Hannah and Uncle Seth and Aunt Addie wouldn’t miss my party for the world.

We also had friends galore.  Natalie and her two boys Aidan and Ethan (a possible future husband for me) came and played.  A few of Mommy’s friends from work came and brought their kids for me to meet.  Best bud Alex showed up with his mommy’s yummy Empinadas in hand!  The whole Warsager clan came to party as did Franco and old family friend Jan.  Mel ( who signed Mommy and Daddy’s Katuba) and his wonderful wife Wynne came for another wonderful simcha. Old family friends Brenda and Jerry (another signer of the Katuba) partied too.  Jorie (plus a half) and her husband Barry came with Jacob and Rebecca and had lots of fun with the balls and other toys at the party.

The party was lots of fun (well at least the half that I know about when I finally woke up).  We had lots of pizza, chicken wings, fruits, veggies, and of course a yummy Birthday cake.  It was really great getting to meet so many new people and seeing old pals too.  I can’t wait until next year when I will be running around and playing with all my new friends!


The cousins trying so hard not to just wake up Dalya

Just getting up from my Nap.

Mommy, Me, and Aunt Jackie..I am slowly getting all the way up now.

After my costume change and a cold bottle.

Nana and Cousin Patricia make me laugh.

Me and my crazy Aunt Melissa and Malkie.

Jerry and Brenda

Two Cools Dudes. Cousin Sammy and Franco

Say Cheeeese

Hey Kid.....Its my party!

Uncle Seth and newly HOT AND SINGLE Natalie

Ethan after a dunk in the bucket of melted ice.

Maya couldn't resist the icy water either.

My big Cousins Gary and Erica.

Jan.. It wouldn't be a family party without you.

Hannah holding court with the younger girls.

Maya gets some air!

Natalie and Aunt Melissa entertain the kids.

Aunt Melissa and Malkie with Cousins Ross and Ryan.

Dalya is wondering when the cake will be served!

Cousin Patricia with Danielle and Jason.

The Boys pose for a picture.

Daddy and Dalya.

Mel. What do you mean you are not a Yankee Fan?

I think we are getting closer to cake time.

Yeah. It's all mine!!!!!


Hmm. This taste like Wax!

Hey. Where are you going with that piece?



28 MayAunt Melissa, Maya, and Malkie come to visit.

Special for my birthday, Aunt Melissa came into town and brought my cousins Maya and Malkie.  This was the first time I met them. I had a blast with all of them.  I just wish they lived closer so could hang out with them more 🙁

And being that they were in town we got to spend lots of time together with the rest of the family( hannah, Sammy,  Aunt Addie, Uncle Seth, and Nana.)  We had a wonderful shabbot meal with everyone at Uncle Seth’s house.






Nana gets some love from MAYA

My grandmother Penny used to feed mommy in this same rocking chair!


Me and the girls. Watch out boys. Wait till we get older.

It is a Dalya Sandwich



It's time to shave uncle Seth.

We all light the shabbot candles with Aunt Melissa.



Even though its Manashavits. I am not sure this is KOSHER.

Aunt Melissa loves my stinky feet.

24 MaySpice me Up

So, unlike other babies I seem to have a taste for the hot stuff.  The more the better.  Mommy and Daddy are happy about this too.  They like the spicy foods too.  In fact, I can not get enough of the strong flavors that mommy has started cooking with for my food.  GARLIC.  LOVE IT.  PEPPER. LOVE IT.  I am even liking WASABI dressing too!  Below you will see me enjoying some garlic bread dipped in WASABI dressing from Daddy’s salad he ordered at TGI Fridays.


22 MayA mitzvah and some pool fun

Today was a special day.  Daddy, Mommy, and I got up bright an early to participate in a special activity.  We were one of several hundred people who came out to the “Walk for Alina” to help raise money for the research and study of childhood cancers.  The Walk was in honor of a young girl who is fighting cancer right now.  It was my first time helping to do a Mitzvah and I am happy that Mommy and Daddy are starting me young.  We walked 2 miles and participated in a silent auction ( which mommy and daddy won some cool stuff) all for charity.  Truth be told, I only lasted a few feet in the stroller and then Daddy had to carry me the whole way.  But I was good and did not complain about anything ( even if it was 98 degrees outside).

After getting back from the walk, sweaty and hot, we picked up Alex and his daughter Katelyn to come over for a BBQ and swim.  While Daddy took us swimming Alex did the finishing touches on the AMAZING paint job he did in my room. Look for pictures soon.  THANKS ALEX.  YOU ARE THE BEST.

What do you want. It is like 7am!!!!

Hundreds of people came out in support.






Katelyn and Dalya's Daddy


I really do love the water.

I love the new swing daddy put up for me.

Katelyn entertains me with bubbles as a swing.

19 MayMy first Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grandma and Grandpa came into town ahead of my birthday to speand some extra time with them.  After after picking them up at the airport I got to eat my very first Grilled Cheese sandwich.  My daddy’s daddy PA would be so happy.

I went to the Paniri Bread company for lunch with grandma and grandpa. The resturanty had a Organic Cheese Sandwich on the menu.  I said, “I’ll take one please.”

What are you looking at Daddy. This is my food!



Look! I am eating like a big girl just like Mommy

12 MayDoing Some Reading

For a little while now i have been practicing standing up.  So today I thought I would try to read a book while trying to stand.  And yes.  My daddy ALWAYS has a camera on me!!  But I love him anyways.

Look. I am reading rub a dumb tub.



My new favorite game.

I have teeth like mommy too.


09 MayMother’s Day- MOM YOU ARE THE BEST

Mother’s Day 2010.  What a special day today was.  It was my mommy’s first mother’s day. And boy did she earn a special day just for her.  My mother is plain and simply the best!  Yes, I may be biased, but she really is amazing.

She manages to always be there for me.  Whether I am hungry or just wanting a hug, she is always one step ahead of me. While I was in the NICU for all those months she rarely left my side. For close to 6 months after I was born my mother labored to get me as much breast milk she could produce to give me every fighting chance and advantage to be healthy and strong.  And this was no easy task. Once I started eating eating solids….there was no Gerber baby food for me.  Mommy seeks out and buys special organic food and cooks it up for me. Thanks to her, I have sampled and eaten more delicious fruits and veggies than most adults have ever tried.

Mommy teaches me to be strong like her.  She teaches me to have a sense of humor just like her too (watch out world once I get started talking).  She leads by example how a mother can be a smart powerful professional at the top of her field and still be there for me and daddy and make a wonderful home.  Mom spoils me most of the time but knows when to let me cry it out. Mommy dresses me in pink dresses, but makes sure I know who the New York Yankees are.

Thank you mommy for being the best!

Daddy let me sleep in bed so I could surprise mommy as soon as she woke up.  When mommy woke up I gave her all her cards and gifts.  Daddy and I got her a 90 minutes message and a crystal cube with a picture of me and mommy for her desk at work.  After mommy checked out all her loot we met Nanna, Aunt Addie, Uncle Seth, and cousins Sammy and Hannah for brunch.  All the mommyies there were celebrated for being wnderful.  And I am lucky that mommy has such great examples of other great mommies like Nanna, Grandma, Aunt Addie, and Aunt Melissa in her life.

I could go on and on here, but will save the room for the pictures.  Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommies out there!

Our First Mother's day Portrait

A quick squeeze of mommy's cheeks before the food is served.


Hey, I think sammy just took my crackers!

Hot Mommas

Hanna with nanna

Hannah with her mommy

Nanna with her Florida grandchildren