22 MayA mitzvah and some pool fun

Today was a special day.  Daddy, Mommy, and I got up bright an early to participate in a special activity.  We were one of several hundred people who came out to the “Walk for Alina” to help raise money for the research and study of childhood cancers.  The Walk was in honor of a young girl who is fighting cancer right now.  It was my first time helping to do a Mitzvah and I am happy that Mommy and Daddy are starting me young.  We walked 2 miles and participated in a silent auction ( which mommy and daddy won some cool stuff) all for charity.  Truth be told, I only lasted a few feet in the stroller and then Daddy had to carry me the whole way.  But I was good and did not complain about anything ( even if it was 98 degrees outside).

After getting back from the walk, sweaty and hot, we picked up Alex and his daughter Katelyn to come over for a BBQ and swim.  While Daddy took us swimming Alex did the finishing touches on the AMAZING paint job he did in my room. Look for pictures soon.  THANKS ALEX.  YOU ARE THE BEST.

What do you want. It is like 7am!!!!

Hundreds of people came out in support.






Katelyn and Dalya's Daddy


I really do love the water.

I love the new swing daddy put up for me.

Katelyn entertains me with bubbles as a swing.