Today was my First Birthday party.  Mommy and Daddy got me an awesome pavilion to have my party in.  They invited tons of family and friends. Lots of people came out on a HOT Sunday afternoon to celebrate with me.

Mommy got me all decked out in a cute white dress with sunflowers to meet everyone.  Daddy and Mommy packed two cars with lots of cold drinks and decorations and headed to the park.  But on the way to the park I zonked out and decided to take a LONG LONG nap.  With Nanna watching me sleep in my stroller and sweating in my pretty dress, Daddy ran to get my cake and the last minute things for the party.  Of course, Nanna was at the park way before all of us setting up the pavilion full of balloons she got for the party!!! Thanks Nana

Soon, the guests began to arrive.  So many people whom I have met before and so many new people whom I never met before showed up…….Not that I was awake to meet anyone, though.  If fact, as an hour and a half into the party  came and went the crowd started to get restless waiting for me to wake from my long cat nap.  After all, they came to see me!!

I was lucky to have so much family together.  My Grandma and Grandpa flew all the way down here from NY to celebrate.  Aunt Melissa  also flew down here with my cousins Maya and Malkie.  It was the first time I met them.  And let me say…THEY ARE AWESOME and I had a ton of fun with them during their visit.  I was lucky enough to have not one, but two great aunts in attendance with Aunt Jackie and Aunt Helene there.  Aunt Jackie brought my cousins Erica and Gary with her. I met for the first time cousin Patricia and her Daughter Danielle.  Fun cousin Jason, Danielle’s brother, was there too.  Also for the first time,  Cousin Suzy with her new grandchildren and her son Ross and his wife.  And let’s not forget about the usual gang…..Cousins Sammy and Hannah and Uncle Seth and Aunt Addie wouldn’t miss my party for the world.

We also had friends galore.  Natalie and her two boys Aidan and Ethan (a possible future husband for me) came and played.  A few of Mommy’s friends from work came and brought their kids for me to meet.  Best bud Alex showed up with his mommy’s yummy Empinadas in hand!  The whole Warsager clan came to party as did Franco and old family friend Jan.  Mel ( who signed Mommy and Daddy’s Katuba) and his wonderful wife Wynne came for another wonderful simcha. Old family friends Brenda and Jerry (another signer of the Katuba) partied too.  Jorie (plus a half) and her husband Barry came with Jacob and Rebecca and had lots of fun with the balls and other toys at the party.

The party was lots of fun (well at least the half that I know about when I finally woke up).  We had lots of pizza, chicken wings, fruits, veggies, and of course a yummy Birthday cake.  It was really great getting to meet so many new people and seeing old pals too.  I can’t wait until next year when I will be running around and playing with all my new friends!


The cousins trying so hard not to just wake up Dalya

Just getting up from my Nap.

Mommy, Me, and Aunt Jackie..I am slowly getting all the way up now.

After my costume change and a cold bottle.

Nana and Cousin Patricia make me laugh.

Me and my crazy Aunt Melissa and Malkie.

Jerry and Brenda

Two Cools Dudes. Cousin Sammy and Franco

Say Cheeeese

Hey Kid.....Its my party!

Uncle Seth and newly HOT AND SINGLE Natalie

Ethan after a dunk in the bucket of melted ice.

Maya couldn't resist the icy water either.

My big Cousins Gary and Erica.

Jan.. It wouldn't be a family party without you.

Hannah holding court with the younger girls.

Maya gets some air!

Natalie and Aunt Melissa entertain the kids.

Aunt Melissa and Malkie with Cousins Ross and Ryan.

Dalya is wondering when the cake will be served!

Cousin Patricia with Danielle and Jason.

The Boys pose for a picture.

Daddy and Dalya.

Mel. What do you mean you are not a Yankee Fan?

I think we are getting closer to cake time.

Yeah. It's all mine!!!!!


Hmm. This taste like Wax!

Hey. Where are you going with that piece?

