20 JunFather’s Day 2010

Today was Daddy’s Day.  My first Father’s Day with daddy was in the hospital.  But not this one.  Nanna made us all a fantastic lunch.  Then daddy took his three girls ( me, mommy, and Yogi) to the dog park.  Daddy was soo happy to be able to just relax and enjoy his family.

Aren't we cute!

Daddy's other baby is happy to spend time with daddy too.

Daddy and his baby girls on Father's Day.

14 JunNana Babysits the Girls

This is how Nana Baby-sits Yogi and I when mommy and Daddy are gone.  This is not posed.  This is what daddy actually saw when he came home from work.  And playing in the background was the Ellen DeGeneres Show.



Today I went to the beach for the first time ever!  It was awesome.  Mommy and Daddy got me all covered with sunblock,  packed me up in my cute little bathing suit,  and headed to Hollywood Beach for some fun in the sun.  As soon as I hit the sand I was in heaven.  I even decided to eat some.  I played with my little bucket and shovel too.  Mommy then took me in for a dip in the ocean.  We figured we better enjoy the beach now before tar balls start showing up down here.  It was lots of fun and I can’t wait to go back soon.





Daddy's Girl

Dalya's sand covered hands in Daddy's hand

HMMM Not sure If I like the way this tastes.

Yes, Daddy is a lucky man. Â Those are Mommy's Sexy legs!!!!



Mommy loves me sooo much.


08 JunWhat’s Up Doc. 12 Month Check Up

Today was my 12 month checkup.  Even though I told the doctor I am 1 year and 1 week old they still called it the 12 month check up.

I came in at a whopping 20lbs 3 oz and 28 3/4 inches long.  And to recap….  I was born at 3lbs 2 oz and 15 inches long!

After taking my weight and measurements, I got poked with a pin needle to get some blood for the doctors to check to see if I had a high level of lead and to check my hemoglobins.  Thankfully everything checked out OK.  And I got a blue bandaid on my little finger and then met with the doctor.  He said I was doing well and because I was a big girl now I could get rid of the formula and go for some good organic whole milk.  The doctor stressed the whole milk rather then the reduced fat milk because he said at this age I need a good layer of fat ( try telling me that when I am 18).  He said that the fat actually helps conduct the electrical signals that my body sends out to help with my coordination and sensory touching.  I also learned that I had to kick the bottle by around 18 months!  And now I need to be getting 3-5 meals a day of actual food.  More of my calories need to be coming from food rather then from Milk.  Thankfully I have two eager parents ready to whip me up some good heathy food.  In fact, I much prefer foods that I can pick and and eat to mushy puréed foods.  I just need to start to master a sippy cup and I will be rocking and rolling.








07 JunAnother Eating Picture

Nana was watching me and fed me the yummy food that Mommy made for me.  She thought I was so cute sitting there eating my spaghetti with Squash and Tomato sauce that she had to take some pictures.  So here they are.



06 JunRally for Israel

Today I went to my first rally in support of Israel. It was blistering hot, but mommy, daddy, Uncle Seth, and Sammy headed to Miami to show our support for Israel.  Besides the heat it was very nice.  We got to see all kinds of people from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds together in unity for Israel.  Israel has been getting a bum rap in the International media and it was important to stand up for Israel.  I look forward to visiting and studying in Israel when I get older.






Today I went to Publix ( our local supermarket) with mommy and Daddy to get me some good food.  But today was special.  I got to ride in the big girl shopping cart and drive!!  And yes, Daddy spend 15 minutes wiping down the card with disinfectant wipes before I set foot in it.  It was lots of fun.

Look at me. I am driving. Watch out slow pokes.


02 JunHanging with Grandma and Grandpa

I am very lucky to have had my grandma and Grandpa come visit me for a while before and after my birthday.  They braved the hot weather to be with me.  I am lucky to have them both in my life.  When they come to visit it is always like a big party.  We always do fun stuff. I get to go and walks and look at all the boats. This time around I even got to go to the beach with them.  We walked around and then ate at an Italian restaurant across the street from the beach.  I was able to lounge back in my stroller and kick my feet up while eating garlic bread sticks.  And one of my favorite things to do is play with grandpa.  He makes the silliest faces and always makes me laugh. Grandma always has nice toys for me to play with.  She know I especially like putting my grubby fingers all over mirrors and making her clean them after I am done 🙂  I can’t wait to see you real soon.  Next time I am coming to visit you.  Look out NY.  I am making my appearance soon.

Strolling down Ft. Lauderdale Beach with the Grandparents

People Watching.

This is the life!






Looking for cavities.








Grandpa Loves me


01 JunGoodbye breakfast

Today I had to say goodbye to my Aunt Melissa and cousins Maya and Malkie.  It was time for them to go back home.  I had such a great time with them.  Meeting Maya and Malkie was one of the highlights of my birthday.  I am very lucky to have such great cousins.  I just know as we get older we are going to be the best of friends.

So before they left on their plane I met them for breakfast at Nana’s faviorite breakfast joint.  I had been there before and it is always fun.  The average age of the patrons AND the wait staff is about 75 years- old.  And all the ALTER KOCKER just want to eat me up and squeeze my cheeks.  And Nana gets such Naches from all the Kveling going on.

We said our goodbyes and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.  I can’t wait to see you guys real soon!






Mommy and Aunt Melissa

Malkie with her FAVORITE UncleÂ


Cousin Maya Braids my hair.

Maya with her favorite Aunt

The Youngest and the second Youngest cousins.

Malkie squeezes my cheeks.