30 JulNana turns 65!!

Today she turned 65!  I am very lucky to have my Nanna in my life.  She watches me during the day and always makes me smile.  She is the ONLY one who know just how to get me down to take a nap. I light up when she comes in the room.   THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING THE BEST NANA.  I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND LOOK FORWARD TO 95th birthday!

And for Nana’s special day we took her for all you can eat stone crabs.  SHE LOVED them almost as much as she loves to eat me up.





18 JulDalya does dishes

I am not sure if I will be doing dishes when I get older or not.  But for now I can say that I am a very good helper and help mommy and daddy do dishes at night. So mommy and daddy can never say that I never helped out with the chores… I have picture proof.








13 JulBusy Bee gym and Jayden’s Party

Dalya checks out the mechanical Dinosaur.

Dalya mounts the mechanical Dinosaur.

Dalya conquers the mechanical Dinosaur.

05 JulPlanes, Traines, and Automobiles….Dalya Heads North.

2,800 miles.  3 States. And tons of great memories with wonderful family and friends!

At the end of June and into July 4th Weekend mommy and daddy packed me and and braved a new frontier…..Traveling with a 1-year-old.  Sure they traveled with me to doctors, restaurants, ect., and to the local family gatherings going no more then 50 miles from home tops!!!   But this time was different.  We would be traveling over 1,200 miles from home and doing many firsts.  I traveled on a plane for the first time.  I took a ride on the Long Island Railroad for the first time.  And I even rode the NYC subway system ( turn-style jumping and everything).  Ok, well, I sort of jumped the turn-style.  Daddy paid for a ride and I rode on daddy over the turn-style.  And speaking of all these modes of transportation… I SLEPT THROUGH DURING ALL OF THEM.  Both Plane rides to and from.  The train and subway rides.  and of corse the car rides.

I also had many first encounters with with family and friends.  Follow below and be sure to check out the captions under the photos……AND YES.  THERE ARE A LOT OF PICTURES!

Packing for our trip.


At the airport.

Sleeping on the plane.

Dalya sleeping in the car.

Sleeping on the train into NYC.

First Stop: Great Neck, NY ( AKA Grandma and Grandpa’a pad). There I finally got to meet my Uncle Brian (Mommy’s brother).  I also met my great Uncles David and Great Aunts Barbara and Elizabeth and cousin Steven from my mommy’s side.  From my daddy’s side I got to meet my great uncle Morty and Great Aunt Rita.  I even got to meet Grandma’s best friend Emilia.  And Mommy’s college friend, Ace reporter Randy M. stopped in too.  I had such a great time meeting all these new people and spending so much time with Grandma and Grandpa.  Those two really know how to spoil a girl!  Mommy and Daddy should really take a cue from them.  They took me to soo many yummy restaurants and fed me soo much good food ( grandpa shared his special French toast from Bruce’s with me).  We even went on a field trip to grandpa work.  They took me to the park and even shopping!  I had a blast and already miss everyone…Especially  Grandpa and grandma.

Mommy, me, and my Grandparents, Penny and Arthur.

Mommy and Dalya .. you can see where I get my looks from!

Dalya checks out the view.

Grandpa pushes Dalya on the swing.

Mommy and Dalya go for a swing.

Dalya Gets ready for some good French Toast from Bruce's.

Dalya Shares her french toast with Grandpa.

Grandma Penny adds another Cabbage Patch doll to her collection.

Dalya takes over Grandpa's paperwork at the office.


Trust me. Â I know what I am doing.

Dalya takes over the mouse.

Enjoying a summer day at the park near Grandpa's and Grandma's place.

I always make mommy smile.

Me and Aunt Barbara.


Mommy, Grandma, and grandma's sister aunt Barbara.


Me and Uncle Brian.

Hanging at the park with Uncle David, Aunt Elizabeth, the Grandparents, and Uncle Brian.

Uncle David ( Granpa's older brother) and grandpa.

I make Aunt Elizabeth smile too!

The Bros.

One of Grandma's best friends Emilia.

Grandma is happy to show me off to Emilia.

Mommy's friend, Ace reporter Randy, Â stops by to say hello.Â

Great Aunt Rita and Great Uncle Morty ( mommy's brother).


Aunt Rita and I enjoy the wonderful weather.

Chilling on my cell phone at the park.

Breakfast at Grandma's.

Daddy and I practice standing all by ourselves.

Dalya checks out the Fridge Photo Gallery.

Dalya is not to happy to be leaving Grandpa and Grandma 🙁

Next Stop: NYC ( Penn Station and onto Huston Street) to see Pals Amy and Andy. Amy met us in Penn Station and then navigated for us to the subway to get us to Houston Street to meet up with her soon to be husband Andy for a nice dinner at a hip breakfast for dinner joint ( they had jalipino cornbread!).  It was great seeing Amy again and meeting Andy for the first time.  I wish the dates moved around so I could be at their upcoming wedding in OR.  I know I will be missing an awesome time.  after I am done atoning for my sins I will be thinking of you and there in spirit with you both on your wedding day.

It's a Amy squared sandwich with daddy and Dalya in the middle.

Dalya is happy to be in the big city with Amy W.

YES, we had to do the tourist thing and get a picture...Sue US!

On the subway with groom to be Andy ( the other half of Amy and Andy fame).

The family goes underground in the NYC Subway.

Next Stop: Morris Town, NJ ( yeah we were in JEEEERZY)  to see pals Laura and Mike who share their anniversary with my birthday. I was supposed to be at their wedding ( inside mommy) but i wanted out sooner and really did not want to go to Jersey.  But I had to finally come and meet Mike and Laura and their Doggy Linus.  I had lots of fun and hope to see them real soon.

Dalya Cheats on Yogi and gets lots of kisses from Linus.

Laura and Mike with me and Mommy in New Jersey.

Why are they looking at Linus? Â I am much more cute!

I am glad you all are smiling... PUT SOME DAMB DESITIN on my ass!

Next Stop: Bucks County, PA (Great Aunt Ellen and Great Uncle Steven’s Weekend country Pad). I finally got to meet my Pa’s twin brother..Daddy’s uncle steven and his wife Aunt Ellen.  And they had a whole zoo of animals for me to play with.  I met Isaiah and Melvin.  They are kind of like dogs…but much smaller.  More akin to large harmless rats.  I am not sure what Yogi would think.  I also met and pet a cat for the first time.  The cats name is Mr. Cat II.  We had lots of fun relaxing in the country. I rocked with Uncle Steven on a real porch and enjoyed the fresh country air.   Aunt Ellen made me some great homemade blueberry pancakes that I just gobbled up.  I ate fresh farmers market peaches too.  On Fourth of July I got dressed up in my patriotic dress and hit the town.  While Uncle Steven, Daddy, and I chilled mommy hit the casino with aunt Ellen.  I think those two may have a problem 🙂  I think the people knew aunt Ellen by name when she walked in.  Later in the day I was lucky to have been able to go to a 4th of July get together at Cousins Eddie and Frans historic house.  Cousin Eddie even had a swing for me to play in and some other goodies that he keeps for his new grandson.  Cousin Fran made such a wonderful spread of food. All good yummy Vegetarian food.  A good time was had and we can’t wait to see everyone again real soon.

Me and Uncle Steven.


Uncle Steven helps me take some steps.


Uncle Steven smells my stinky feet ( well they are not really stinky).

Aunt Ellen gets the corn ready for our BBQ.

I enjoy a fresh picked Peach.

Hip Hip Hooray for Pancakes.

Dalya enjoys Aunt Ellen's homemade blueberry pancakes.

Dalya makes sure to keep every last bit in her mouth.

Aunt Ellen cutes me up some more peaches.

Dalya goes for Aunt Ellen's cheeks.


I love my Aunt Ellen.

Come here Isaiah.

I SAID...Come here.


Dalya in her 4th of July dress from Nana with Mr. Cat 2.

Daddy and Dalya on Fourth of July.

Uncle Steven & Aunt Ellen and Cousins Eddie and Fran at a Fourth of July picnic at Eddie and Fran's historic house.

Uncle Steven and cousins Fran and Eddie


Now it is everyones turn to come visit me in Florida and take in the sun and fun down here.