07 AugMaryland..PART 2

After a short car ride from Jonah’s house we headed to visit aunt Melissa’s family in Silver Spring.  Not only Uncle Joel, Eli, Maya, and Molly were waiting for us when we arrived…..But Uncle Seth, Aunt Addie, Hannah , and sammy were there too.  They drove all the way up from Florida to visit too.  We all got to be together for a special Shabbot meal.  I have never been together with all my cousins and Aunts and uncle in the same place before.  It was great.  Noisy and chaotic….but awesome.  Everyone was fighting over me and wanting to play with me.  We arrived a few hours before sundown/ the start of Shabbot and had lots to do.  Aunt Melissa, Cousin Hannah and cousin Maya were hard at work making fresh home made challah for everyone.  I think there was like 20 lbs of dough!  Aunt Melissa was also busy preparing a wonderful feast that would feed us for 2 days.   The boy cousins and mommy were busy playing wii sports baseball.  Mommy was kicking all there little buts!

But as the light was creeping away Daddy knew he must get a cousins portrait for Nanna.  That is all Nanna had been talking about since she knew we would all be together. Nana even purchased matching out fits for everyone.  And if you had ever met all my cousins you will know that this was no small task!  Mommy pulled out the video camera to record all the chaos!  She is still debating whether or not to post to YouTube.  After lots of noise, running around, two locations, lots of hiena laughing by Aunt Addie, several empty briberies by Aunt Melissa,  and several wardrobe changes by Sammy and Malkie we got the shots we needed for Nanna.  I look ok in one of them.  I was all smiling and ready for 20 minutes for the pictures.  Then at the end of waiting so nicely I was over it.. and of course that is when everyone else finally managed to pull it together and look half way decent.

After we were done Eli  got Sammy to get all dressed up for Shabbot dinner.  They both looked so handsome.  Aunt Melissa really made an outstanding meal for everyone ( all 12 of us). I ate like a little piggy.  I ate lots of Gafilta fish, Challah, and chicken soup ( with the Matza Balls). A matter of fact, I ate so much that I had like 4 doodie diapers the next day!  But it was worth it.

The next day the Florida cousins left to drive home.  I went with Aunt Melissa, Eli, Maya, and Malkie to a nearby park that we walked to.  It was nice and I got to swing.  Eli and Maya did a great job of pushing me on the swing.

On Sunday we all down to DC to go to the National Portrait Gallery.  It was really nice.  We got to see so many interesting things.  From painting of all the presidents ( some way over a 100 years old) to a life size stature of a old wrinkly naked guy that Maya seemed to be intrigued with.  We had a great day filled with lots of sites before we headed off to the airport heading for home.  I had soo much fun with all my family and can;t wait for everyone to be together again real soon.  Enjoy the picture.


Making Challah

How cute. and What good little bakers.

Hannah's challah


Aunt Melissa hard at work with the challahs

The Shirt Says it all!!





Look how dapper these two are!!!



Aunt Melissa making a whole carton of eggs!



Yo. Â Where is my food?

My big cousin Maya takes good care of me.

Family outing. Â Mommy wished daddy could carry her like this too!

Maya checks out the art at the Portrait Museum


Daddy's gorgeous Girls


Does this really need a caption?????????