26 NovWere Cruising Baby!

As a present for Nana’s 65th Birthday a bunch of us too her on  a 4 day/ 5 night Bahama Cruise. With Nana being the only person in the group that had been on a cruise before we had no idea what to expect. Would Daddy be throwing up off the side of the boat with Aunt Addie?  Would Uncle Seth jump off the boat and swim home if he couldn’t get Tofu? Would Sammy throw Hannah off the boat?  Would mommy get soo sick of daddy taking pictures every second that she would stage an ” accident” and throw him off the boat and collect on his life insurance?  Would daddy find a giant bubble and keep me in it the whole time so I wouldn’t touch anything and get germs?  Would Nana go bankrupt buying out everything on the shopping level of the cruise?

But all the worries were just that.. Worries.  We all had a fantastic time.  We partied, we laughed, we swam, we gambled, we relaxed, and we sipped Pina Colados on a beach on Thanksgiving.  Oh Yeah,  WE ATE…….and ate and ate.  Uncle Seth was determined to get his moneys worth!  And Sammy and Hannah would never be the same after the discovered the freedom of all you can eat, anything you can want to eat 24-7!

All kidding aside, I had a blast! I got to spend so much time with Hannah and Sammy.  We got to hang out all the time and there was no, ” ok, time to leave”.  I even slept one night smack in between Nana and Sammy. I went to an ” adult” comedy show and knew when to laugh and when to clap.  I think my parents are catching onto how much I actually understand.  Oh yeah.  Nana and the rest of the grownups had a great time too.

Check out the pictures below to some some of the fun times we had……..

Don't worry. Daddy is holding me really really tight!


Sunset over Miami as we set sail.

Nana and hannah groove to the music.

Fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A....

Daddy and I take a little afternoon dip in the Pool.

Yeah. I am sticking out my tongue!

The view from our room when we woke up in Key West.

First Stop Key West

Sammy waiting for everyone to debark the ship.

Dalya starts her nap early as we walk around Key West.

Mommy and Daddy

Still Sleeping.

Missing out on fresh homemade ice cream and Italian Ices on Duval Street.

Dalya wakes up just in time to board the ship and leave Key West.


Ok Daddy. No more paparazzi pictures of me!



I liked running down the gallows from my room.

Nanna and her bunkmate sammy.

The formal night dinner. I was shocked too. Daddy had no baseball cap on!

We are just two cuties!

Nanna and Aunt Addie.

Look at how hot the Prezant Women look!

Nanna with her favorite grandchild!!!!!

Nanna and uncle Seth.

Hannah and I watching the dance review on the ship.

This was waiting for me when I came back from dinner.

I just looked so cute in my dress ( a handy me down from cousin maya) that Daddy had to take my picture.

Daddy's favorite ladies!


On the top level of the ship.

Thanksgiving Morning! I know Grandma and grandpa were wishing they could be wearing shorts on Turkey Day.


On the boat to the private Island in the Bahamas.


Dalya taking a cat nap on the beach.

My big tuff cousin Sammy.


Cousin Sammy with Daddy.

That is our cruise ship in the background.

Daddy ad Mommy's footprints.

Cousin Sammy and mommy.

Uncle Seth and Aunt Addie.

Nanna and Daddy

Look how cool my big cousins are.

Check out my braids!



I really love running down these halls.

Sammy with Nanna during Thanksgiving Dinner.


No, it is not a turkey sandwich.. It is a Dalya sandwich.

Sammy Always makes me laugh.

Will somebody please pass me the bread!!!!

Thanks for looking at all the picture.

13 NovArt in the Park- Year 2

Today was my second time checking out Art in the Park.  And what a difference a year makes.  Last year I was regulated to the Bjorne carrier and this year I was free to roam and move and groove.  It was a wonderful South Florida Winter Day at a wonderful art fair.



Me and my yummy sour dough pretzel.



Dalya stares down the remote control fire dog.

Hand in hand mommy and me check out the art.