25 DecMy pal Jonah visits again

Today Jonah and his mommy and daddy came to visit from Maryland.  It had been about 5 months since I last saw Jonah up at his house.  They slept over and spent the whole day with us.  I was so happy to see Jonah that I did not even mind lending him my crib to sleep in while he visited.  We mainly just hung out at the house and went to the nearby park.  It was great catching up with him and playing house ( see the pictures below).  And in the morning mommy made her famous blueberry pancakes for everyone and we ate Alfresco style outside and enjoyed an awesome South Florida Winter day.

We are playing house....in my playhouse!



06 DecChanukah 2010: gifts and party

When this years Chanukah came along I was ready.  I was eagerly awaiting all the gifts that I would recieve and all the partying to do.  On the first night of Chanukah I got to open up my Grandma and grandpa’s gift.  I saw this big box arrive at the door a few days earlier, but had to wait to after we lite candles the first night to open it.  and to my surprise in this box was my very own trampoline to practice jumping.  A few days later I attended a Chanukah celebration at my temple where I got my face painted and got to raid a pony! It was lot of fun.  Then later in the night,  Aunt Addie and Uncle Seth had there annual Chanukah party at there house.  It was lots of fun.  And we had a surprise visit from Daddy’s cousin Andrew and his son, my cousin, Joseph.  Joseph and I are about the same age.  I was born about 2 weeks after him.  I even attended his bris ( well sort of.  I was in Mommy’s belly).  Lots of other family was there as well.  It was lots of fun and I got to eat Potato Latkes. They were good!




















04 DecArt Basel: Miami 2010

Today mommy and daddy took to Miami to take in some ARTS & Culture.  This weekend was Art Basel.  A huge art show with lots of satellite shows featuring both the classics and the new wave of art.  Daddy has been going every year since it started about 6 years ago.  And last year I was way too small to take.  So Mommy and Daddy were very excited to be able to bring me this year.

I was a very good girl and stayed in my stroller most of the time and took in all the interesting colors and shapes….and of coarse daddy made us stop at every booth that featured photography.  With the price these pictures were selling for I think Daddy needs to get his pictures up on these walls so he can buy mommy and me some nice bling!

I even got to walk through a very cool piece of art that was set up as a public instillation for people to look and touch.

After walking around the whole day we stopped for a quick bite and Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  I downed a grilled cheese sandwich and some AWESOME fries. They serve the fries in a cup which is just perfect for me!! Mommy says that the burgers are very good and daddy loved all the toppings that you can put on the burgers ( or in daddy’s case the Veggie burger).










02 DecWhat’s Up Doc: 18th Month Checkup

I was in a very good mood this morning.  Daddy got me dressed and did my hair and got my pink baseball cap too.  We were heading to the doctors for my 18 month checkup.  A lot had changed since my last visit.  The biggest thing being I am able to WALK into the doctors office.

And everything was good  I strutted into the office and said and waited to be called.  Then Once I was called things went down hill fast.  They stripped me of my clothing and had me sit on a scale naked for the whole world to see freezing my tokhes off!  To say the least i was not happy.  But once that was over I got my giggles back and breezed through the rest of the appointment with out a problem.  I now weight in at 22.7 lbs and am  31 3/4 Inches long.

Really Dad! Pictures now?

This Really Sucks.. I can see why girls have weight issues when they get older. It starts from this!


Ok. I am coming around. I am fighting the smiles.

Nope... not going to smile for you dad... No matter how silly a face you make.

Ok.. you won! Here is a smile for you daddy.



My pupik.



Yup. All ten are there.

