02 DecWhat’s Up Doc: 18th Month Checkup

I was in a very good mood this morning.  Daddy got me dressed and did my hair and got my pink baseball cap too.  We were heading to the doctors for my 18 month checkup.  A lot had changed since my last visit.  The biggest thing being I am able to WALK into the doctors office.

And everything was good  I strutted into the office and said and waited to be called.  Then Once I was called things went down hill fast.  They stripped me of my clothing and had me sit on a scale naked for the whole world to see freezing my tokhes off!  To say the least i was not happy.  But once that was over I got my giggles back and breezed through the rest of the appointment with out a problem.  I now weight in at 22.7 lbs and am  31 3/4 Inches long.

Really Dad! Pictures now?

This Really Sucks.. I can see why girls have weight issues when they get older. It starts from this!


Ok. I am coming around. I am fighting the smiles.

Nope... not going to smile for you dad... No matter how silly a face you make.

Ok.. you won! Here is a smile for you daddy.



My pupik.



Yup. All ten are there.

