06 DecChanukah 2010: gifts and party

When this years Chanukah came along I was ready.  I was eagerly awaiting all the gifts that I would recieve and all the partying to do.  On the first night of Chanukah I got to open up my Grandma and grandpa’s gift.  I saw this big box arrive at the door a few days earlier, but had to wait to after we lite candles the first night to open it.  and to my surprise in this box was my very own trampoline to practice jumping.  A few days later I attended a Chanukah celebration at my temple where I got my face painted and got to raid a pony! It was lot of fun.  Then later in the night,  Aunt Addie and Uncle Seth had there annual Chanukah party at there house.  It was lots of fun.  And we had a surprise visit from Daddy’s cousin Andrew and his son, my cousin, Joseph.  Joseph and I are about the same age.  I was born about 2 weeks after him.  I even attended his bris ( well sort of.  I was in Mommy’s belly).  Lots of other family was there as well.  It was lots of fun and I got to eat Potato Latkes. They were good!


















