31 MayHello world! Dalya Joy is in the house.

12:37pm  3lbs 2oz.  Dalya Joy is born.

Ok, so I came a little bit early (10 weeks to be exact.) Sue me.  I just could not wait any longer to meet my mommy and daddy!!!!

about 1 minute after the doctors took me out of my mommy's belly.

This photo was taken about 1 minute after the doctors took me out of my mommy’s belly.  Daddy was not allowed to shoot pictures until this moment.  I made a brief appearance and then was whisked away by the doctors to get checked out.


Mommy is smiling because she just heard me cry for the fist time and then heard the nurse say, ” I don’t think I see a penis.  Congratulations I think you have a baby girl!”


Don’t be alarmed by all the wires and tubes.  I am comfortable and not feeling a thing.  The thing on my face is called a C PAP. I am not intubated.  I am breathing on my own.  This just pushes a little air through my nose to make sure to keep my immature longs open. At this point I am in the NICU Level 3.

31 MayT Minus 45 minutes and counting

After a morning sonogram we were told that ” There was going to be a birthday today.”  We knew this day was coming sooner or later.  At this point we have been at the hospital for about 5 days.

But hearing those words from our nurse made us excited and scared all at once. We figured that we had some time and the C-section would probably be done later in the afternoon.

The next thing we knew Joshua was handed some scrubs and we were told that the OR ( operating room) was booked for us in 45 minutes!  We quickly got on the phone and Amy’s parents and Joshua’s mom were in route and then at the hospital within 15 minutes ( we secretly think Stephanie had booked a hotel near the hospital so not to miss the big day).

Amy was actually very calm despite the fact that in a short time her doctor was going cut open her belly and pull out our baby ( we did not know the sex).



Here mommy is sending a last minute take to some family and close friends telling them that today is the day!!! To the right is my mommy’s mommy Grandma Penny.


Joshua and his mom Stephanie


They are all smiles. They are not about to a C-Section. One last picture before they head to the waiting room and Mommy and Daddy head to the operations room.

Off we go to the operating room.


Shhhhhhh. Now daddy is trying to be clever and document this whole thing so he does not freak out....so far it is working!

Seconds before mommy is taken into the OR.

Seconds before mommy is taken into the OR.


The room where I was born.

After 10 minutes of daddy waiting out side while they finished prepping mommy my arrival started.

Stay tuned.  Is mommy and Daddy having a baby girl or baby boy?????